What’s Trending: When docs are wrong, Milestone anniversary, Gaga for Gaga, Everybody loves a Slip n’ Slide

HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) - We can all be wrong, even doctors. Oregon Health & Science University looked at thousands of studies published in recent years in the AMA journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the Lancet. More than one in 10 amounted to a medical reversal – that is, a conclusion contradicting conventional wisdom among doctors. Ginkgo biloba, for example, does NOT protect against dementia. Opioids do NOT provide better pain relief than safer drugs. Tracking calories closely does NOT improve weight loss. But don’t read more into this research than it actually says. Doctors can be wrong. But that does not mean they are wrong more than someone you found on the Internet.
There are milestones...and then there are milestones. Here’s how a New Jersey couple celebrated 60 years of marriage. George and Ginger Brown met in June of 1958. Slightly more than a year later, they got married. They have 4 kids and 18 grandkids and 19 great grandkids. One of her grandkids actually took these pictures. They didn’t have another ceremony, but they did get them dressed up and they were good sports even in the heat.
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