What’s Trending: Dancing with a new limb, GOT re-edits, Behind the scenes with the Avengers, Detective Pikachu

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - There’s a reason this kid is dancing. He just got a new prosthetic leg after years of being without one. Ahmad Raman is now 5 years old. He was only 8 months old when a landmine took his leg during a fight between Afghani forces and the Taliban. This was posted by the International Committee of the Red Cross Afghanistan and got 12,000 views in less than 12 hours.
HBO has edited the infamous coffee cup out of last week’s episode of “Game of Thrones.” It has also revealed the cup was NOT Starbucks. So Starbucks got billions of dollars of free publicity for nothing. The cup set off memes aplenty. Stephen Colbert tweeted that the cup “really broke the reality of a dragon-riding lady in love with a guy who came back from the dead.”
Chris Hemsworth posted a video on his IG page that was taken during the filming of Avengers: Endgame. Robert Downey hosted the actors for lunch and brought music which sent Chris Hemsworth dancing. Chris posted, "What can I say, the music took hold of me...not sure why nobody joined me, probably just intimidated " Robert replied “You’re Welcome.” It has been seen almost 14 and a half million people.
The new Pokemon movie “Detective Pikachu” comes out this Friday. But it appears someone may have leaked the film early. The video posted is NOT the full film -- it’s actually an hour and 40 minutes of Pikachu dancing. And it turns out the one behind the “leak” is Ryan Reynolds himself -- the voice of Detective Pikachu.
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