What’s Trending: New keyboard social media shortcuts, Globetrotters trick shots, First-time Costco Dad

Updated: Mar. 28, 2019 at 10:29 AM HST
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HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - If you want to streamline your social media browsing -- take a look at some of these shortcuts. A diagram of keyboard shortcuts is from social media managing site Hoot-Suite, is making the rounds on the Internet. As you can see -- you can do so much right from your keyboard. A few helpful ones: Control and tab lets you switch between browser tabs; hit "N" to write a new tweet and "M" to send a D-M on Twitter; "J" and "K" let you scroll post by post in Facebook and Twitter; the top row of number keys skips through YouTube videos; you can even use smiling or sad face emojis to search for positive or negative posts on a topic in Twitter.

The Harlem Globetrotters are always fun to watch no matter where they are. But they were at the Mall of America, on a roller coaster, and they still did their thing.

And Twitter user TJ Musto posted video of his dad after his very first trip to Costco and he is giddy.

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