What’s Trending: New ‘Game of Thrones’ trailer, Mexican volcano eruption, Space Jam 2

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Winter is coming! The new trailer came out this morning for Game of Thrones season 8.
An explosive volcanic eruption was caught on camera in Mexico. It was a quiet night -- and then boom! The bright and explosive eruption. This volcano is Popocatepetl , the second highest peak in Mexico. It’s located just under 50 miles away from Mexico City. But so far, there are no indicators of any danger to residents.
It’s been more than 2 decades since the movie Space Jam-- featuring the great Michael Jordan-- made its debut. And now, Space Jam 2, featuring Lebron James, has an official release date. The movie will premiere on July 16, 2021. There have been speculations as to why that specific date was chosen. Sports Reporter Rob Perez believes it’s because when you add the day “16” to the “7th” month of July, you get 23 - which is both Jordan’s and Lebron’s number. Others believe James will use the platform to make a big announcement about the future of his career. Just 15 days before the movie debuts, he has to make a “player option decision”. Ryan Coogler — who was the director of Black Panther— will be producing the film.
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