What’s Trending: Financial transactions, Dancing bird, Pigcasso

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - More financial transactions are occurring outside the financial system. Since the market crash in 2008, the number of $100 bills in circulation has doubled. There are two theories, and both could be right. Theory 1: more people distrust banks and are buying with cash. Theory 2: more corruption, more bribes.
You’ll never believe who’s taking the art world by storm. At just under 3-years-old and 1,000 pounds -- meet Pigcasso the pig. Her paintings sell for thousands of dollars — and now she even has a collaboration with watchmaker Swatch. Pigcasso was rescued in 2016 from an industrialized hog farming facility and now lives at Farm Sanctuary just outside Cape Town, South Africa. According to her owner and the sanctuary’s founder -- painting came naturally to Pigcasso. Soon after she was rescued, Lefson gave Pigcasso some items to play with and she immediately gravitated toward the paint brushes. She signs the corner of each of her complete paintings with the tip of her snout. Pigcasso sells her artwork to benefit the sanctuary. In 2018, she became the first animal to host her own exhibition, “OINK,” at The Waterfront in Cape Town. Her masterpieces typically sell between $500 and $4,000. And she’s bringing home the bacon — Pigcasso’s artwork has brought in close to $145,000 for the sanctuary. When she’s not painting, Pigcasso loves to snack on her favorite food: caramel popcorn.
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