What’s Trending: Politics on the edge, Riding Mavericks, Dr. Ken, Singing for Michael Buble

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Republicans crossed over to vote for Obama. Democrats crossed over to vote for Trump. In a diverse Republic there is opportunity in the middle. For years we saw Republicans bedeviled from within by their own right, the uncompromising Tea Party, or Freedom Caucus. Now Democrats face the same challenge from the left. Most of the many Dem contenders for president are running from the left, espousing views popular in New York or San Francisco but not in Texas or the Midwest. This challenge isn’t confined to America. In Britain, seven Labour Party leaders quit yesterday, charging that their party is moving too far to the left to be electable. The last time Labour moved toward the center it found itself in power, under Tony Blair.
Nathan Florence caught a bomb at Mavericks. That’s a big wave spot near San Francisco. It’s pretty cool because he’s taking off from the lip, and then navigates around some steep spots to get onto the face of the wave. This wave is an entry into the 2019 ride of the year entry.
Ken Jeong, the actor from the Hangover, doesn’t just play a doctor on TV, he actually is one. So he decided to help some people out by taking some of their questions from Twitter.
Michael Buble was the headliner at a recent concert in Nashville, but he decided to hand over the mic to a member of the crowd. Andrew Zarillo sang the entire song “Fly Me To The Moon” and nailed it. The crowd loved it and so did Buble.
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