What’s Trending: Trump’s tax returns, Pelosi’s clap, Deer jumps over dog

What's Trending: Trump's tax returns, Pelosi's clap, Deer jumps over dog
What's Trending: Trump's tax returns, Pelosi's clap, Deer jumps over dog
Updated: Feb. 7, 2019 at 10:25 AM HST
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HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The House Ways & Means Committee is expected to subpoena Donald Trump’s tax returns. What’s not known is when. Ways & Means Chairman Richard Neal, a Massachusetts Democrat known as not being partisan, wants to move carefully. Politico.com reports Treasury has been working for months on grounds NOT to hand the returns over. It’s a felony to leak tax returns but Trump thinks someone WILL, and he doesn’t want those returns made public. There are two schools of thought. The more sinister one is that there are records of payments by Russians or Saudis. The other is that the returns show Trump is worth less than he claims, or may otherwise reveal he fibbed about something. Fun fact: the Treasury official in charge of data requests is a former chief of staff for Mitch McConnell.

It was the clap heard and seen around the world...and we’re still talking about the Pelosi walrus clap. This time, we have a little more insight from her daughter. Christine Pelosi tweeted “oh yes, that clap took me back to the teen years. She knows. And she knows that you know. And frankly she’s disappointed that you thought this would work. But here’s a clap. #youtriedit”. Christine is one of Pelosi’s 5 children and tweeted throughout the State of the Union.

And a security camera at a home in Kansas catches a guard dog not doing his job very well.

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