What’s Trending: Mnuchin and Russia, Kirby Jenner, Elsa gets arrested

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A new connection emerges between the Trump administration and Russia. The interesting thing about this one is, it has nothing to do with Trump. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is the focus of this one. He’s been moving to lift economic sanctions against Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska... sanctions the administration repeatedly delayed... sanctions we now know were nowhere near as severe as advertised. A Deripaska associate who was NOT sanctioned, Len Blavatnik, is a big GOP donor. Family members gave to the Trump campaign; HE gave $1 million to the Trump inaugural. He previously took a piece of Mnuchin’s Hollywood investments. You might not hear too much about this because before helping Trump this guy gave to Democrats.
Meet Instagram celeb Kirby. He just can’t stop photoshopping himself into photos with the Jenners and Kardashians. He has more than a million followers on Instagram. Some of the photos, I gotta say, are impressive.
Elsa from Frozen has been arrested...and no not for singing an incredibly catchy song that will haunt us for all eternity, although that alone is worth a life sentence. The police department in McLean, Illinois posted these pictures on social media with the caption: “ATTENTION: Due to the EXTREME COLD weather, all criminal activity and acts of stupidity and foolishness has been cancelled. Even Elsa has been placed under arrest with NO BOND until further notice.”
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