‘New Year, New You’ series: Life coach guides us to reflect and reset

As we say goodbye to 2024, it's a good time to reflect on where we're at and where we want to be.
Published: Dec. 22, 2024 at 6:01 PM HST|Updated: 9 hours ago

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - As we say goodbye to 2024, it’s a good time to reflect on where we’re at and where we want to be.

On Sunrise Sundays in January, join my “New Year, New You” journey with executive leadership coach and entrepreneur Jonathan Freitas. He’ll guide us through the steps of creating achievable goals, rather than vague resolutions, and teach us how to reset, renew and reinvent yourself. To prepare, complete the following assignments in the next two weeks.

Start with the Wheel of Life tool to begin the life evaluation process. Assess your satisfaction with the important areas that makeup your day to day life.

The middle of the circle represents “0″ and the outside ring of the circle represents “10″ where “0″ is the lowest level of satisfaction, and “10″ is the highest. Take a moment to score yourself on your current level of fulfillment in each area of your life, giving yourself a score of 0 to 10. For example, you might rate yourself at an “8” in your family life, a “5” in your finances, a “4” in your Spiritual life, etc.

Simply draw a dot within the center of each section at the line that corresponds with the number value you’ve assigned for yourself.Now, once you’ve drawn a dot in each section, connect the dots from section to section to see how balanced (or unbalanced) the wheel of your life is.

Next, start a journal and visualize your Perfect Day.

  • If you could do anything and be anything you want, what would it be?
  • Where would you live? Who would be with you?
  • What do you do with your time and energy?
  • Think about your future without any doubts or restrictions.

This will help you effectively identify the internal conflicts that are preventing you from having it all, because when we start thinking about what’s possible in our lives, ‘reasons’ why it’s not possible begin to crop up. This is called resistance.

Finally, identify your Core Conflict. Read each Limiting Belief below and take a moment to sense whether or not this statement feels familiar to you. Circling all your limiting beliefs, and select 5 beliefs that you frequently hear yourself saying to yourself or that trigger the strongest emotional response within you.

  • I’m not good enough
  • There’s never enough time
  • I did/might do it wrong
  • I’m going to end up alone
  • I don’t know what I want
  • If it hasn’t happened yet it never will
  • People can’t be trusted/aren’t reliable
  • This is a man’s world
  • I’m just not lucky
  • I’m too old/young to…
  • It’s too late for me to…
  • I’m a fraud
  • I don’t have enough resources
  • I don’t know where to start
  • I don’t have the right skill sets
  • I don’t have the money
  • I don’t have anything to add/It’s been done before
  • I’m not good enough
  • They always seem to have all the luck
  • It never happens for me
  • I can’t be happy until he/she changes
  • If people really knew me they wouldn’t like me
  • I can’t be happy until my finance relationship looks like . . .
  • I’ll never really change
  • I shouldn’t put my needs before others'
  • I should be doing more
  • I don’t deserve love, success, money, fame, etc.
  • I shouldn’t want more in my life
  • They can do/accomplish that but not me
  • If I pursue what I really love my relationships will suffer
  • Things will never work out for me
  • There’s nothing I can do about my health/diet/finance
  • This (negative thing) always happens to me
  • I shouldn’t have to tell them that
  • I always have to struggle/others have it easier
  • Having money creates misery
  • I don’t know how to do that.
  • I’m not good with money
  • I’m not very sociable/outgoing
  • I’m not very creative
  • I can’t seem/will never lose weight
  • This isn’t the right time to start a new business
  • I can’t change jobs right now, it’s too risky
  • What if [Notes:it/action] doesn’t work
  • What if they reject/don’t like me
  • I should be further along
  • They do it better than me
  • I can’t grow my business/income by that much...
  • Starting my own business is risky
  • I can’t make a living doing what I really love to do

Take time to reflect on your Wheel of Life, Perfect Day and Limiting Beliefs. In January’s next segment of “New Year, New You,” Freitas will go over how to use this information to create purposeful SMART goals.

For more information, visit jonfreitas.com.