Gas prices continue upward climb; Hawaii’s average now over $4 a gallon

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Anticipate paying more at the pump in the near future as gas prices continue to slowly creep upward.
According to AAA Hawaii, the statewide average for unleaded gas is $4.04 a gallon. That’s 81 cents higher than this same time last year, and an eight cent jump from one month ago.
The average price is highest on Kauai where in Lihue, drivers pay roughly $4.24 for a gallon of regular. In Hilo, the average is $4.08, and in Kahului, it’s $4.05.
Oahu’s average is the lowest of the main counties at $3.96 a gallon. AAA Hawaii says the prices have been on an upward trend and could continue a slow rise in the near future.
“Prices increased by only a penny or two in most regions of the state driven mostly by increased summer demand, but also by uncertainty in the international oil markets as some of the bigger producers can’t agree on production levels,” said Liane Sumida, AAA Hawaii general manager.
AAA Hawaii encourages drivers to cut down on fuel consumption by consolidating errand routes, using a fuel-efficient vehicle, and ensuring tires are properly inflated.
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