Here’s everything you should have in your emergency hurricane supply kit

Published: May. 21, 2020 at 1:27 PM HST
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency says families should have 14 days of food, water and other supplies in their emergency kits ― double the seven-day supply that many families may believe is the recommended amount.
Unsure what to stock your emergency kits with? Here’s what the emergency response authorities say you should have on hand:
- Water: One gallon per person, per day. Remember that in a pinch, you can fill water jugs or bathtubs with water straight from the tap.
- Food: Nonperishable foods that do not require cooking. Also “survival foods,” such as peanut butter, protein shakes, dried fruits and nuts.
- Eating utensils: Plates, mess kits, forks and chopsticks. Non-electric can openers are vital, especially if you have canned goods in your food supply.
- Radio: Battery-powered or hand-crank radios will be necessary, in case the power goes out. Most radio stations will broadcast emergency alerts as long as they can stay on the air, and if you have special equipment, here’s a list of frequencies for the NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards (NWR) network.
- Light: Flashlight or portable fluorescent lights, including camping lanterns, that can be powered by either batteries or propane tanks.
- Batteries: Have plenty of them on hand, in the event of a power outage, and be sure check them annually (and replace them as necessary).
- First-aid kit: Get a well-stocked kit. Consider enrolling in a first-aid certification course,too.
- Whistle: They’re important for signaling help in case of an emergency, because the sound from a whistle carries much farther than the human voice.
- Dust mask: These may be hard to come by during the COVID-19 pandemic, but masks can help filter contaminated air in the event of catastrophic environmental events.
- Sanitation items: Moist towelettes, heavy-duty garbage bags, bottles of hand sanitizer, toilet paper, baking soda or kitty litter to absorb odors, gloves and plastic ties.
- Maps: Local area maps could come in handy. Remember, you likely won’t have the GPS on your phone available if a major storm hits.
- Tools: Wrenches or pliers, to turn off utilities, and duct tape, to secure things during heavy winds, will be helpful.
- Prescriptions: Special medications, glasses and medical devices.
- Pet supplies: Food, extra water and medications for your pets, too.
- Miscellaneous items: infant formula, diapers, incontinence supplies and feminine products.
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