PODCAST: The attorney who helped uncover ‘Mailbox Case’ joins ‘The Other Side of Paradise’

HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) - In episode 3 of “The Other Side of Paradise,” HNN investigative reporter Lynn Kawano is joined by attorney Alexander Silvert to discuss the case that made him a household name, the Kealoha’s mailbox.
It’s well-known that Honolulu’s corrupt ex-police chief and his wife, a deputy city prosecutor, staged a crime to frame a relative. But what we don’t know much about is how Silvert was able to uncover all that ― and his struggle to convince others.
Silvert represented the relative, Gerard Puana, when he was being prosecuted for stealing the Kealoha’s mailbox.
“The impact of this little mailbox case has been dramatic and will possibly be even more dramatic in the future,” Silvert said, during his recent interview.
“The Other Side of Paradise” is a new podcast from HNN that delves into the headlines that the visitor bureaus don’t always advertise. You’ll hear from some of the most interesting figures in the legal community and the public as they break down the compelling stories that aren’t often talked about.
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