Talent (Episode 8)

HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) - The great Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”
While the pandemic has put a halt to many indoor and outdoor activities, many people are still finding ways to showcase their unique talents.
Our first story in Episode 8 is about a pair of siblings from Hawaii Kai who share a special talent. They’re a pair of accomplished violinists who recently had a big stage moment.
We also meet an Oahu man who believes sharing his talent is perfect for the pandemic. He’s an expert kite builder who strives to, as he says, pay it forward.
Finally, many performing arts studios and classes have been forced to shut down due to social coronavirus restrictions.
As we see in this story though, Manoa School of Music and the Arts is still nurturing talent, while keeping their students safe.
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