First Alert Forecast: Red Flag Warning posted statewide through Thursday
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A Red Flag Warning (RFW) remains in effect until 6 PM HST Thursday for all leeward areas statewide. Strong trade winds will continue into Thursday.
The HNN First Alert Weather team has been monitoring the strong winds and chance for elevated fire danger all week long.
Due to gusty winds, low relative humidity, and dry brush fuels present in leeward regions, Thursday is a FIRST ALERT WEATHER DAY for the entire state.
READ MORE: First Alert Weather Days declared for the entire state amid strong winds, elevated fire danger
An upper level disturbance passing south of the islands will enhance showers a bit over the eastern slopes of the Big Island through Friday morning. Trade winds will start decreasing from Thursday night on into the weekend as the high pressure ridge north of the state weakens.
Overall fairly dry conditions will persist into the first half of next week. Light and variable winds return by next week Tuesday and Wednesday as two passing cold fronts break down the ridge north of the island chain.
North and west shores will remain elevated through Friday. Another big swell is due by the middle of next week. Rough surf along east-facing shores will remain choppy through Friday.

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